
5 First date tips: How to prepare for a great date

First dates can feel a little daunting, but that shouldn’t keep you from having a wonderful time getting to know someone special.  Whether you’re dating for the very first time – or jumping back into the dating world – these tips will help you ease your nerves and set you up for a successful date.

Here are a few tips to plan for a great first date

  1. Keep your first date plans simple

    First dates are about getting to know the person you’re with, so keep the plans easy and fairly casual. But that doesn’t mean your date needs to be boring! Think of some fun activities you two could both enjoy for a few hours. Take a walk, grab some coffee, go thrift shopping, or find a cool event happening in your town. A successful first date doesn’t need to be an elaborate, all-day extravaganza. Try the FindMyPlusOne app to connect with people who are interested in the activities you already enjoy doing.

  2. Confirm the details ahead of time

    People can have hectic lives and crazy schedules, so make sure your plans are still on track before you’re already heading out the door for your date. Touch base about a day in advance to confirm your plans and firm up any last-minute details. If something has gotten in the way of your original plans, you’ll have plenty of time to adjust or re-schedule.

  3. Do some pre-date self-care

    You can’t have a great first date if you’re not feeling great. Take plenty of time to rest and recharge so you’re comfortable before the date even starts.  A few self-care rituals to do before your date could be:

    • Get a good night’s sleep so you’re alert and focused.
    • Do something relaxing to ease those pre-date jitters.
    • Listen to your favorite music or podcast.
    • Choose an outfit you feel confident wearing.
    • Have everything you need to bring ready to go – like your keys and wallet.
  4. Tell someone about your date and where you’re going

    Always remember to keep your safety in mind when meeting someone for the first time.
    It’s a good idea to tell a trusted friend or roommate about your plans so they can help if your date doesn’t go as planned.  Tell your friend who your date is, where you’ll be going, and when you think the date will be over. Check in with them after your date to let them know you made it home safely.

  5. Have a few non-generic conversation starters in mind

    First dates can be awkward, especially if you can’t think of anything good to talk about.
    Get a conversation going by asking your date a few open-ended questions based on things you’ve already learned about them. Listen to what they have to say and let the conversation naturally flow from there.  Starting a conversation with something about your date ensures you’re not just talking about yourself the whole time and shows your date that you’re genuinely interested in them.