
What are good conversation starters with online dating?

What is online dating?

Online dating is a process that allows singles to meet potential partners through the use of an online service. This type of dating generally involves the use of a website or app where singles can create a profile and connect with others in order to find a date.

When it comes to finding a date, there are many different ways to go about it. Some singles prefer to meet people in person, while others may choose to connect with potential partners online. If you are looking for a date and you’re not sure how to get started, online dating may be the way to go.

With online dating, there’s a lot less stress involved. You can actually talk to someone a lot before deciding to meet them in person, which can help you to weed out the people who are not right for you without wasting time going on dates

couple love spending time together dating

How do you have good conversations with online dating?

The key to success with online dating is knowing how to keep conversations flowing over text. If you can get the other person talking, you’re off to a good start! 

If you’ve tried online dating before, I’m sure you are well aware of the frustration of  having a conversation that goes nowhere. It can be tough to keep the conversation going, especially when you don’t have a lot in common with the other person. However, this actually works in your favour, as you can screen potential dates before committing to actually meeting them in person.

There are some tips and tricks you can use to keep the conversation flowing. You can have good conversations with online dating by:

  • Asking open-ended questions
  • Sharing information about yourself
  • Complimenting the other person
  • Responding to the other person’s messages in a timely manner

What are some bad conversation starters with online dating?

Now that we’ve looked at some of the ways you can keep a conversation flowing online, it’s a good idea to look at some of the things you should avoid. 

If you want to have a good conversation with someone you’re dating online, it’s important to avoid these bad conversation starters:

  • Making assumptions about the other person
  • Asking super personal questions right away
  • Talking about yourself too much
  • Being negative or offensive
  • Talking about something political or controversial right from the get go

Starting off a conversation in a negative way won’t help you find potential dates. It can also result in you being blocked by the person, and you may even get banned from the app if you get reported. 

Plus, nobody wants to talk to someone who is boring or negative. Keep your conversations positive, and you’ll be more likely to keep the other person’s attention.

What are some good questions to ask someone you’ve just started talking to online?

When you first start talking to someone online, it’s important to get to know them a little bit. You can do this by asking them some basic questions about themselves. Some good questions to ask someone you’ve just started talking to online include:

  • What do you do for a living?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • Where are you from?
  • Do you have any siblings?
  • How long have you been using online dating?

Remember, it’s important to be yourself when you’re dating online. Don’t try to be someone you’re not – the other person will eventually figure it out and you’ll end up looking like a fool. Just be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally.

conversations online dating couple on beach

Best conversation starters for online dating:

If you’re anxious about starting a conversation online whilst dating don’t worry, you aren’t alone. A great way to combat this fear is to always have a few conversation starters up your sleeve. 

Boring conversation starters might cause the person to ghost you so make sure that your conversation starters are interesting, funny and engaging. 

Some great conversation starters for online dating include:

  • If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
  • Make reference to something interesting on their profile – i.e mention a shared hobby.  
  • What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you recently?
  • If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? 
  • What kind of books do you like to read?
  • What kind of movies do you like to watch?
  • Are you a movie or TV show person?

Final thoughts:

Now that we’ve looked at some of the best and worst conversation starters for online dating, you should be able to start conversations with potential dates with confidence! 

Just remember to keep the conversation flowing and avoid asking personal questions right away – take things slow and let the conversation progress naturally. And above all, have fun with it!